Some have alerted me to a certified letter that the college sent out (at a cost of $4.88 each) regarding payroll stoppage and the turning in of office keys, etc. Rest assured that this is standard boiler plate out of the HR department. If anything, it shows that our informational picketing and media campaign are having the desired effect. Of course it's the Board's right to take all of those actions during a strike, but they took none of them during the last strike, even though they threatened to do so.
The cost of this letter simply serves as another example of careless spending of tax dollars, which is emerging as the hallmark of this board and administration. By the way, in case you're wondering why there isn't office space for adjuncts and, in some cases, up-to-date instructional equipment, our own college data indicate that there is now one administrator for every full-time faculty member at an average annual salary of $100,000. Go figure.
In unity,
Gary Christenson